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10 items, from United Kingdom to Australia
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Item(s) in this box

{$ $index + 1 $}
{$ item.fields.item_name_with_brand_name ? item.fields.item_name_with_brand_name : item.fields.item_name $} {$ item.fields.pk $}
Colour: {$ item.fields.color $}
Cost: £ {$ item.fields.cost $}
{$ item.fields.quantity $}
Not Ordered
{$ item.fields.isOrdered | date:'yyyy-MM-dd' $}
Not Arrived
{$ item.fields.isReceivedByBoxer | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'$}
{$ $index + 1 $}
{$ item.fields.item_name_with_brand_name ? item.fields.item_name_with_brand_name : item.fields.item_name $}

Cost: £{$ item.fields.cost $}

Colour: {$ item.fields.color $}

Quantity: {$ item.fields.quantity $}

{$ item.fields.isOrdered | date:'yyyy-MM-dd' $}
Not Ordered
{$ item.fields.isReceivedByBoxer | date:'yyyy-MM-dd' $}
Not Arrived

Est. Domestic Shipping Duration (Business Days): Please ask your Boxer for the Est. Domestic Shipping Duration.

Alice from United Kingdom

invoice 1 total


£ 85.51

Total Cost of Items

£ 81.52

Total Domestic Shipping Cost

£ 3.99

Total Item Tax/GST/VAT

£ 0.00

Invoice 2 total

£ 49.01

Estimated International Shipping Fee (DPD Air Classic Tracked with limited 50 Insurance (4-7 Business Days) *Prices accurate as of Jun 2020 2.0 Kg)

£ 37.60

ShopandBox Service Fee (14%)

£ 11.41

Order shared with {$ email $}. Thank you!
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A parcel box
shopandbox calculator
A parcel box
ShopandBox Shopaholic Shopper from Australia (Past Orders: 125)
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{$ msg.date_post | date:"yyyy-MM-dd 'at' h:mma" $}

{$ msg.message $}
{$ msg.message $}
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